Children’s Group – Kindergruppe

Leiter: Krista and Rick Hesch, Heidi Hesch, and Bengt Nyman
Kindergruppe runs on Wednesday evenings at the Alpine Club from 6:30 p.m. to 7:45 p.m. for kids between the ages of 4 to 14 years.  
Each night we have lots of fun activities planned for the kids including: games, crafts, Jr and Sr kids group traditional dances and songs, snacks and much more, as they have fun, meet new people, develop friendships and learn about the Siebenburger Sachsen/Transylvania Saxon heritage.
Yearly we participate and dance at a number of different TCK events including: Special cultural events, the Weihnachtsfeier/Christmas program, Trachtenball and Mitgliederabend. For more information or to join, please contact Krista or Rick Hesch at or 519-662-4364.