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Want to receive a FULL COLOUR digital copy of our Nachrichtenblatts? Send us an email at blatt@transylvaniaclub.com to be put onto our email list! This month’s blatt below!
Choir Concert almost sold out!
Tickets are almost sold out for this year Choir Concert! Any last minute ticket requests please call 519 884 0332
Transylvania Club Annual General Meeting!
A reminder to all members! Our Annual General Meeting is Sunday, March 20th, 2016 at 2pm at the Alpine Club. See you all there!
Congratulations to our Miss Transylvania 2016, Mikaila Emrich!
We have officially crowned our Miss Transylvania 2016, Mikaila Emrich! Thank you to our out going Miss for 2015, Steph Klaehn, for a wonderful year!
The Month of AGMs!
The Sterbefond, Kulturgruppe and Frauenverein have their annual general meetings this month! Click the links below for more details. The Transylvania Club’s AGM will take place on Sunday, March 20th at […]